Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feeling crabby and just dealing with it. 4/28/11

This Saturday, April 30th 2-4 at Equinox 19th street, you are invited to "Workin it Out" with Patricia Moreno and Lauren Zander. 1 hour workout 1 hour inspiration. The topic is "follow your bliss".  Lauren has been coaching me for about 9 years and much of what I teach is infused with her methodology. Please join us for a powerful session. Members and non-members welcome.

Yesterday I started a 14 day cleanse. It is a cleanse developed by Dr. Frank Lipman who I heard speak at Urban Zen,  hosted by Donna Karen. Every time I hear about how many people are suffering from illness and die from diseases that can be healed and completely avoided with right thinking, right eating and right exercise, I get excited about what I am doing and I ask myself what more can I do? What am I not doing?
I decided after hearing him speak that I wanted to inspire the Sati community to do a cleanse and the Dr. Lipman was who I wanted to work with. I sent him an email, he responded the same day, we picked a date for him to come and speak at the next "Workin it out" event on May 14th.  Yes! Very exciting. So in preparation I am doing the cleanse myself. The next 14 days I will be updating you on how it is going. My goal is to get at least 200 people on the cleanse. Just in case you are wondering, I am not making any money on it, I am doing it because I know so many people can benefit from it.  The benefit is more than the  health benefits of weight loss, more energy, reduced is also about self-discipline. I know many people shy away from that but it is through self-discipline that we can get ourselves to face our fears, be with discomfort so that we can get to a healthier and happier way of life.  Millions of people know what to do but can't get themselves to take action and willingly be uncomfortable.

Today Day 2
What is my personal reason WHY? I was on so many fertility drugs I want to clean out my system. I want to have the energy to do all the things that are important to me, play with my daughter, dance, workout, teach, travel and live instead of thinking I am getting older and older and the aches and pains I feel are part of life.  I am calling that BS! Yes I am getting older and Yes my body knows how to heal itself and regenerate itself. I want to see who I am when I raise my bar. I believe that if my body is radiantly healthy I will be able to inspire others to take it on as well.

I actually started the cleanse feeling pretty cocky. My thoughts were "I eat clean. I am at my goal weight. I don't eat meat. I hardly eat sugar. I drink 1 espresso in the morning. I don't drink alcohol!" This will be easy! Two hours into it I started to feel grumpy. Yesterday by 11am, just when I went to go teach class I felt myself getting annoyed and irritable.  I felt a headache coming on and I was surprised that already I was going through caffeine withdrawals.

I was teaching class and I was snappy, and grumpy. I was snappy and I wanted everyone to change so I would feel better.  I was saying things like, "if you don't want to do the class as it is designed you should take another class". Now I have said it before but with a totally different tone. I was actually blaming them for my headache and my discomfort. It seemed like it was everyones fault I was feeling this way.

I could hear myself trying to figure out how I was going to get off of the cleanse. No one will know if I just have a cup of coffee. I wasn't hungry just irritable.  I wanted to have things I don't even normally want to get out of this discomfort, a glass of wine, some junk food. Everything I don't normally want I really wanted.  Interestingly all the things that when life gets hard I would go to in order to ease the pain a little.  The very thing that is causing the headache is the very thing i want to have to ease the pain. Hello! ok, I will just hang here and see what happens.

Today is day 2 and I thought I would feel better but I don't. I still have a headache but I am determined to get through the 13 days. I did a light workout, I took a hot shower and a steam, drinking mint tea and lots of water with lemon. I want to get to the other side. If I want others to do it, I have to be able to do it myself.

I was preparing for Saturday's event with Lauren right before class yesterday and it was a perfect conversation. She was talking about how our bliss is on the other side of the fear, the doubt the discomfort and most people want the result but are not willing to do what it takes. The bigger the fear, the more you have to work for "it", the more proud and alive you feel afterwards. Ok I guess I am in for feeling AWESOME!

My work today is to just be a yes to it all. A yes to the result and a yes to the process to get there.
I will keep  you posted. If you are intrigued and want to join the community cleanse you can check out the details at Dr Lipman will be talking on May 14 at Equinox 19th street and the community cleanse for those who have bought their REMOVE detox package in advance will begin on May 16 so you will be cleansed for memorial day.

More later!

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