Monday, February 28, 2011

I heard so many excuses today. Good thing I ignored them!

My top three favorite excuses I tried to use on myself today and probably would have if I didn't write my commitment in this blog:
1. But I have meat in the fridge maybe I should wait until I eat it all!
2. I can pretend I meant that I would eat fish, fish isn't meat. I even looked it up in the dictionary, oh yes I did! How do you define "meat"? kind of like the Jessica Simpson quote while eating tuna "is this chicken or fish? I know it is tuna but it says "chicken of the sea"
3.This is not a good month to actually do this, Kellen's mom is coming and I love her cooking. Maybe I should repost and say I am waiting until next month.

I did get through the day meat and dairy free. At about 12:00 when I finally decided I AM doing it and put my hand up to my inner excuse making self, my inner excuse making self got quiet, especially after I ate an amazing sweet potato and I made a beautiful salad, pictured above for solid proof. I drank some green lemonade and actually felt more satisfied than I expected.  Although now it is way past my bedtime and I am getting hungry. One thing I NEVER used to do until I met Kellen was go to bed hungry. It was my favorite thing to do after a long day, curl up in bed with a nice big meal and then slip into dream land. Then I met Kellen and she would say, "it's too late to eat" gulp! Really? Can I marry someone who goes to be hungry? Then I got jealous that she could go to bed hungry and wake up feeling great that I joined the "go to bed hungry" team and I like it.
(Please don't think that means I starve myself! It basically means no eating after 7ish)

On the business front I had a funny "coincidence" ( I don't believe anything is a coincidence actually) I got an email from the learning annex saying they teamed up with USTREAM ( who I have been looking into as an option for live streaming classes) and would I participate in leading a class for them for their live streaming.  Ask and you shall receive!
I definitely took some action on this today and am certain I will make my goal of live streaming classes by June 1st.  "I now allow all the perfect people, opportunities and finances to come to me".  Thank you in advance!

1. Can I conceive of this being done? YES!
2. Am I certain my desire is in alignment with good? YES!
3. If it is then nothing is against me and everything is for me. AMEN! And so it is!

It is done unto me as I believe and I believe it is done and I am done now too!
Got to go to bed, seriously might eat if I stay up any longer!

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